PERTH ! If you've attended a pop-up Charcoal and Champagne life-drawing session before, you know our classes are fun and full of brain bending challenges in a non-competitive, but supportive environment with other eager-to-learn (and have fun) 'budding artists'.
Now, we've created a very special event for those of you who might still consider yourselves beginners, but are ready to learn MORE and CHALLENGE yourself further. Our full-day, large-scale 'Charcoal and Champagne' Drawing Workshop is the opportunity for you to now start exploring the 'how to' side of drawing ... and develop further skills and techniques to help you bring your 'hidden talents' to the surface and get your 'creative-thinking' brain buzzing! You will also be given the opportunity to work on a 'BIG SCALE' - yes with large scale easels like a real 'master' in a studio setting. The class will be broken up into 2 sections - the morning session where you will work with our first model, learning new skills and techniques – and the afternoon session, where you will start applying some of these new skills whilst drawing a life-model on a large-scale easel with charcoal.