Yes Charcoal and Champagne are popping up at the EveryWoman Expo 17-19 June so it's the perfect opportunity to say hello and see what we are all about !
Meet Aneta, the founder and creativity coach in person and ask her those burning questions that you probably have running through your head ... like 'why would you want people to draw a nude person' or 'how can a workshop like this be a good idea for a team ?? ' ... you might be surprised with her answers !
Ask us about our ...
Creativity Workshops
Social Life-Drawing Pop-ups
Team Building Workshops
Wellness Workshops
Private Events - Hens, Birthdays, Arty Parties
Pop it in the diary and come support a whole array of amazing businesses
17, 18, 19 June Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre
Friday 10am – 7pm Saturday + Sunday 10am – 5pm
See ya there!
